A virtuous selection for a stay in all conscience.

Most of our cleaning products are natural or eco-labelled.
For your breakfast we have selected a baker, a charcutier, a cheese maker and a honey seller from our beautiful neighborhood, who offer us local and top quality products, from respectful farms and delivered on foot for a more ecological result. . We will be delighted to share these very good addresses with you.
Our Alain Millat jams and juices are Made in France with a real desire to develop an even more local network.
You can taste for breakfast, or at any other time of your choice, organic teas from the Kusmi Tea brand.

In short, our spirit is far from the profusion of waste, we vote for the refined, respectful and local;)

Some of our addresses:

The Fromagerie 31, rue ClerA virtuous selection for a stay in all conscience. 75 007 Paris

Davoli 34, rue Cler 75007 Paris

Alain Milliat 159 rue de Grenelle 75 007 Paris

La Parisienne 85, rue Saint Dominique 75 007 Paris


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