A Parisian history...

Our House, an ancient 17th century convent, was built at the same time as the Invalides, for our devoted religious. Saint Dominique Street, has its history entirely linked to the Hotel des Invalides... 

Between Saint Germain and the Esplanade des Invalides, the rue Saint Dominique housed large private mansions for the relatives of the court of Louis XIV (one can always admire there for example the Maison de la Chimie and the Chateauform Les Jardins de Saint Dominique...).

Between the Esplanade and the Eiffel Tower, Louis XIV had convents built to house the nuns who took care of the Invalides de guerre. St Do still bears witness to this history today... 

The little anecdote remains: you certainly know the adage "To live happily hidden lives"? Under Louis XIV, this formula would have been misunderstood, because high society had to show itself... Hence the structure of our building: rooms with large windows and spacious street side, and the more we go to the back of the courtyard, the smaller the windows and the warmer the spaces...

Today renovated in respect of this memory, the refined decoration of our 32 rooms preserves the spirit of the original building with its shutters in our pretty and quiet Parisian courtyard, always in bloom...

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