At your little care...

Whether you come for business or to visit Paris, our care will be brought to your well-being. Our teams are at your disposal to organize your evenings, advise restaurants, outings, museums, exhibitions, schedules... Our priority: your memory of our House and our beloved Paris...




Caring, Demanding, Creative

After a 15-year career in finance, Mom offered me the opportunity to manage her House. What joy today to blossom in this profession, so rich in beautiful meetings and complete in the problems tackled...

The hotel business is currently undergoing a major transformation and this is what I am passionate about: constantly adapting to a rapidly changing market and surpassing the requirements of my guests... 

My best reward: your happiness and that of my teams!



Executive Manager

Natural, Bright, Curious

After a 6 month stay in Australia, Florine applied to St Do: what a wonderful adventure it was to accompany Florine in this exciting job!

Smiling, efficient and always available, she is in a cheerful and discreet mood, and our hosts no longer do without her kindness!



Receptionist Manager

Delicate, Attentive, Sparkling

After a long experience in hotel business, Lea wanted to join our team to be in Paris. Very conscientious, gentle and attentive to the client, she weaves a feminine link between the day and night teams, all in delicacy!



First Maid

Precise, Graceful, Energetic

Edna has been with our team since September 2014, showing tenacity even in sometimes difficult times, and works day by day to maintain our House in a new state. Edna is reliable and has a taste for careful work!



First Maid Assistant

Radiant, Pretty, Considerate

Christiana has been with our team since May 2014, and yet in such a difficult job! Every day, even when the transport is capricious, Christiana pampers our House and with a smile!

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